۱۴۰۳ جمعه ۱۷ اسفند
Friday, March 7, 2025
سال 1402 مهار تورم و رشد تولید
آرش دلداری
نام و نام خانوادگی : آرش دلداری
تلفن دفتر :051-1240000-164
گروه آموزشی : مهندسی کامپیوتر
فکس :
دانشکده : فنی مهندسی
آدرس پست الکترونیکی : adeldari[at]torbath[dot]ac[dot]ir
آدرس صفحه شخصی :
رزومه :
سال انتشار:



Mehdi Mohammadzadeh Karizaki


(I) Personal Data
Name: Mehdi
Surname Mohammadzadeh Karizaki
Birthday: 09/08/1984
Place of birth:Torbat Heydaryeh, Iran
Nationality: Iranian


Present job: Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Mobile: 0098-9158523765


1-Journal publication

1- Mehdi Mohammadzadeh Karizaki, Dragan S. Djordjevic, Commuting C* modular operators, Aequationes mathematicae, 90 (2016), 1103–1114

2-Mehdi Mohammadzadeh Karizaki, Mahmoud Hassani, Maryam Amyari, Moore-Penrose Inverse of Product Operators in Hilbert C*-Modules, Filomat 30:13 (2016), 3397–3402
3-M. Mohammadzadeh Karizaki, M. Hassani, M. Amyari and M. Khosravi, Operator matrix of Moore-Penrose inverse operators on Hilbert C*-modules, Colloq. Math. 140 (2015) 171–182.


4-Mehdi Mohammadzadeh Karizaki, Mahmoud Hassani, Dragan S. Djordjevic, The solutions to the operator equationTXS – SX*T* = A in Hilbert C*-modules, Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl. 7 (2016) No. 2, 127-132

5-Javad Farokhi-Ostad, Mehdi Mohammadzadeh Karizaki, The reverse order law for EP modular operators, J. Math. Computer Sci. 16 (2016), 412–418

6- M. Mohammadzadeh Karizaki, D. S. Djordjevic, The Solutions To Some The Operator Equation In Hilbert C*-Module, Functional Analysis, Approximation And Computation 8 (1) (2016), 7-13

7-Mehdi Mohammadzadeh Karizaki, Mahmoud Hassani, The Solutions To Some Operator Equations In Hilbert C*-Module, Journal Of Linear And Topological Algebra, Vol. 04, No. 01, 2015, 35- 42

8- A. A. Arefijamaal And Mehdi Mohammadzadeh Karizaki, A Generalization Of The Calderon Admissibility Condition, European Journal Of Pure And Applied Mathematics, Vol. 8, No. 3, 2015, 368-374

9- M. Mohammadzadeh Karizaki, M. Hassani, And S. S. Dragomir, Explicit Solution To Modular Operator Equation TXS* - SX*T* = A, Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics, 40(2) (2016), 280–289.

10- M Mohammadzadeh Karizaki, Antisymmetric relations of operators which satisfy specified conditions Functional Analysis, Approximation and Computation 10 (3), 15–20

11- Maryam Jalaeian, Mehdi Mohammadzadeh Karizaki, M. Hassani, The star order on C*-modular operators,

Functional Analysis, Approximation and Computation 12 (1), 71-80 (2020)

12- M Mohammadzadeh Karizaki, A Hosseini, -Solutions the operator equations and in Hilbert C*- modules,

Wavelet and Linear Algebra 6 (2), 191-208 (2019)

13-M Mohammadzadeh Karizaki Z. N. Moghani, M. Khanehgir,

Explicit solution to the operator equation AXD+FX*B=C over Hilbert C*-modules,

Journal of Mathematical Analysis 10 (1), 52-64

14-A HOSSEINI, M MOHAMMADZADEH KARIZAKI, Functional equations characterizing σ -derivations,

Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 85 (34), 431-440 (2019)

15- A HOSSEINI, M MOHAMMADZADEH KARIZAKI, Linear mappings satisfying some recursive sequences, TURKISH JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS 44 (5), 1578-1594 (2020)

16- M Jalaeian, M Mohammadzadeh Karizaki, M Hassani, Conditions that the product of operators is an EP operator in Hilbert C*-module, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 68 (10), 1990-2004 (2020)

17- Mehdi Mohammadzadeh Karizaki, Polar dcomposition and characterization of binormal operators, Filomat, 34 (3), 1015-1026,(2020)

18- Some results about EP modular operators, M Mohammadzadeh Karizaki, DS Djordjević, A Hosseini, M Jalaeian, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 1-7 https://doi.org/10.1080/03081087.2020.1844613 (2020)

19- M Mohammadzadeh Karizaki Z. N. Moghani, M. Khanehgir SOLUTIONS OF SYLVESTER EQUATION IN C*-MODULAR OPERATORS, Ukrainian mathematical journal, To appear (2021)

20- M Jalaeian, M Mohammadzadeh Karizaki, M Hassani , The product of operators and their Moore-Penrose inverses on Hilbert C*-modules, OAM journal (To appear)(2021)

2-Conference Papers

1- Mehdi Mohammadzadekarizaki and Javad Farrokhi, A characterization of arbitrary admissible groups (presented the seminar seminar on harmonic analysis and applications)

2- Mehdi Mohammadzadeh Karizaki, a generalization of admissible groups(presented the annual iranian mathematics conference)

3- Mehdi Mohammadzadekarizaki and Javad Farrokhi, Moore-Penrose inverse of product bounded adjointable module maps (presented the annual iranian mathematics conference)

4- Mehdi Mohammadzadeh Karizaki, Mahmoud Hassani, Moore-Penrose inverse and range property (presented the seminar on linear algebra and its applications) page 193-196

5- Mehdi Mohammadzadeh Karizaki, Mahmoud Hassani , Some result of orthonormal bases in Hilbert C*-modules (presented the seminar on linear algebra and its applications) page 390-393

6- Mehdi Mohammadzadeh Karizaki, Mahmoud Hassani, Moore-Penrose inverse and invertible operator in Hilbert modules (presented the annual iranian mathematics conference) page 362-365

7- M. Mohammadzadeh Karizaki, M. Hassani, J. Farrokhi Ostad,The product of operators matrix with closed ranges (presented the Seminar on Mathematical Analysis and its Applications iran)

8- Mehdi Mohammadzadeh Karizaki, Javad Farokhi Ostad, EP modular operators and triple reverse order law (presented the seminar seminar on harmonic analysis and applications)

9- Javad Farokhi Ostad, Mehdi Mohammadzadeh Karizaki, COMMUTING MODULAR OPERATORS (presented The 2th Seminar on Operator Theory and its Applications)

10 - Mehdi Mohammadzadeh Karizaki, Javad Farokhi Ostad, THE REVERSE ORDER LAW (presented The 2th Seminar on Operator Theory and its Applications)

3- Reviewer for

1-European Math. Soc. (Zbl)

2-American Math. Soc. (MR)

4-Teaching Courses

Calculus I-II, Analysis I-II-III, Ordinary Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Elementray Functional Analysis, Real Analysis I, Matrix Analysis,



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