Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Year Of Boosting Production
Entrepreneurship and communication with industry
Entrepreneurship and communication with industry
• This office started its activities in the year 2011 in cooperation with the Office of Entrepreneurship Development of the country's universities. It is currently working in cooperation with him and the office of connection with the industry, affiliate with the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology.
Effective communication between the university and the economic sectors of society
Increasing students' and faculty's comprehension of the social needs and guiding university educational, research and entrepreneurship activities.
Programs and Strategies:
1. Coordinating and issuing recommendation letters to students for internships, visits, projects or researches
2. Coordination and planning of professors' visits to industrial and agricultural departments to familiarize them with their activities, capacities and problems
3. Concluding a Cooperation Contract with the Industrial, Agricultural, and Economic Institutes
4. Establishing programs and overseeing the activities of the Student Scientific Entrepreneurship Associations and office of relation with industry (holding industrial tours, entrepreneurship training courses and seminars, student counseling and career guidance, awards in support of student entrepreneurship initiatives)
5. Planning professors' plans and activities in industry clinics (complication finding, consulting, training, problem-based research, and technology implementation) in collaboration with the Company of Industrial Towns and the Department of Industry, Mine and Trade.
6. Informing about exhibitions, festivals and conferences, and congratulatory messages
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